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Wednesday, May 23, 2007

POTD - Pets

Ok, remember DD's beta fish that I posted yesterday? The only pet I would let her have. Well I lied . . . I totally forgot about her 3 dogs! How could I forget?! Here they are: Sparky the Dalmation; Buck the Boxer and Jake the Yorkie. Aren't they cute! When I looked down after she had set the DS down all the puppies were right at the window barking. So I went to take the picture and they took off. DD said, "oh I can get them back". She tapped on the screen and called them and they came running back to the window!? Virtual reality isn't it grand! Isn't the hat she bought for her Yorkie adorable?


jordan.krogman said...

If my girls were a little older I could see them LOVING this! But I'm one of those people who really thinks that "things" have feelings (like stuffed animals and dolls) and I'd be sick to death if they let one of these virtual pooches get neglected. *See you learn all kinds of things about my craziness when you blog!* lol Love this post!

Trisha said...

Ahh you have to love the DS...being the big kid that I am, I have one...and that game! LoL My niece and nephew also have it...it's pretty funny actually...you can teach them tricks and things. I don't play it much, but the kids that I babysit LOVE it!

Amy said...

LOL, LOL!!! I have never seen anything like this ~ LOVE the hat ~ so funny! One year MIL bought us all cyber pets but nothing like this!

Heather said...

SOO funny! I have to confess, that like Trish, I too have a DS and also this game! I know how much fun it is....PS - this game is what inspired me to go to the pet store where we found Puff! As you can imagine I am no longer allowed to visit the pet store:)

Mom2Drew said...

What a creative take on the theme! I love it when we think out of the box a bit, don't you? Oh, and how could you not love that pink? How fun...wish I would have had this when I was that age, I would have loved it!

Dar Kaso said...

Oh how fun! I want one of those, my son has a ds, he would die, LOL! The dogs are the cutest and the hat is hot!

Joanne Fowler said...

ROFL!!!! That is hilarious! I want some virtual pets! This totally cracked me up. Great shots and yeah, cute hat!

Debra said...

love the idea... it would be a good way to teach a youngster how to take care of a pet... well, kind of... but it can help..

Tori said...

Very creative! I've never seen anything like this before... cool!