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Monday, May 21, 2007

POTD - Pets

This is the cat my DH brought with him when we got together. Her name is Trixie. I wasn't exactly thrilled with having a cat because I don't especially care for them. My girlfriends still can't believe of all people I have 2 cats living in my house. I say it's true love -- making sacrifices LOL! This cat is very voicetrous (sp?). She yells when you walk by her, she yells when you touch her, she yells when she wants you to pet her, she yells when she needs water, she yells when her box is too dirty. She's so predictable too. If you get up, she's in your spot; if you get a blanket and get on the couch, she's on top of you; if you have ice cream she props herself right next to you and begs. She loves licking lollipops too. Bit of a sweet tooth. We pick on her all the time too because she has a tiny head and a tiny tail but her body is really big and round LOL! Poor Trixie. . .it's all out of love.

This was a hard one in the window, still practicing that backlighting thing. DD just bought her this grass and she loves chewing on it. Both cats are inside cats so they don't get the luxury of being outside.


Michelle said...

for not being a "cat person" it sounds like you are a convert! those little paws will do it to you everytime. i love your pics of Trixie. great job!

Mom2Drew said...

LOVE Those eyes, almost enough to make me want a cat...almost;)

Looks like a sweetie and good job with the backlighting and journaling. I can almost hear the yelling now. I like your DOF in that second one, the blue really makes the kitty pop from the photo.

Heather said...

I am loving to see how everyone gets their pets to "pose" for them! It is just so cool:) Beautiful cat too:)

~~Debb~~ said...

I'm not a huge cat lover either, but we've got one too!
Trixie is beautiful - love the 1st photo!

Trisha said...

i love how these pictures are so white...they seem so bright and cheery...does that make sense? LoL-As you can tell I could never write a novel because my way of describing in words is not too good haha-Anyway, what i'm trying to say is...I like the pictures!

robin said...

Trixie has beautiful eyes and you have certainly done a great job capturing them! Your colors are nice and clear, crisp whites, good job! I have trouble with that sometimes.

Anonymous said...

What a pretty cat! I love cats, but don't have any anymore.... these are great shots!

~JustJulie~ said...

Very nice pictures. You must be a much better wife than I am. Dh had a cat when we met. I put up with it for a while. Bet you can't guess how elated I was when our oldest dd (and only at the time) was diagnosed with Reactive Airway Disease at the ripe age of 6 months and we had to give the cat away. Turns out to be one of her triggers... pet allergies. Bummer, no cats for us. It's a great excuse, too, when the kids come whining that they want a pet. :)