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Tuesday, May 8, 2007

POTD - Weather

Our weather has been beautiful the last few days. The sun has been shining like crazy! So I wanted to practice shooting in full sun, plus I'm working on the new DSLR Challenge #6 - Landscape (with a person). I used Indie's Rich Action on these. I wish I could brighten just her face a little more. I have no clue how to do it, but other than that I was pretty happy with how they turned out considering full sun. She wanted me to take a picture of her doing the "momma had a baby and it's head popped off". Can you see where the head is in the last photo? LOL! She thought it was soooo cool! Any CC you want to give is greatly appreciated! Looking at these now, they look better before posting them. Her face isn't that dark.


Mom2Drew said...

LOVE that bright green...those actions are so great. OK, so I'm going to try and explain a way I create some fake fill flash. If you go into levels...slide the slider until her face looks right. Don't worry about the rest of the photo...it will look bad. then, go into history and click on "open" That will bring the photo back to it's "original" state before you played with levels. Then, go to "levels" in the history pallette and click on the box to the left (should show a little history brush) Select history brush from tool bar and then, a soft paint brush and paint just where you want her lightened/brightened. If it's too much, change the opacity. I usually keep mine around 50%. Hope that helps in some way...

Kathy said...

I like the 2nd one a lot.

jordan.krogman said...

She's ADORABLE!! These are beautiful photos and I love how she just encompasses "girlhood". :)

Melissa said...

Thanks so much Heather! I always adjusted in levels but faces never lightened up enough before everything else gets all wonky! I'm definitely going to practice this tonight! Thanks so much Kathy & Jordan!

Amy said...

I love how high up the "baby's head" is! The angle on the first picture is awesome. Thanks,
Heather, I'm going to have to try that too, I just recently fixed some window pictures where the couple was too dark. I created a new layer, messed with curves to get their faces how I wanted them and then selected the eraser tool and erased the window back to the original (it had gotten blown out when I messed with curves). Then I flattened the layers and saved. I'm curious to see if yours is easier!