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Tuesday, May 1, 2007

POTD - Outside the World of Photography

Softball! My DH plays softball all summer, 2 nights a week on league & tournaments on the weekends. I go to all of them! We use to play together on a COED league and play tournaments together but 2 years ago I broke my left wrist 2 times in one year. So now I can't play anymore. The first time I was in a cast for 3 months. . . I had to get married in a cast LOL! We had a lot of fun playing together and I really miss playing but I still go to all of his games and tournaments. He's in the first photo and the others are some of his teammates.


Michelle said...

how great that he stays so active! i've tried to get my dh in a co-ed softball league and he wants nothing to do with it...sigh...so i just go to my dd's games! two teams equal lots of games. great pics!

Mom2Drew said...

That emotion in the second one is especially great! I was catcher in a softball league a while back, not for the faint at heart;) I smiled when you mentioned you married in a cast...now, that's dedication!

Dar Kaso said...

Fun shots! Smiled too about getting married in a cast. Will always be great stories to tell about the wedding photos.

Amy said...

Oh, I used to play softball (for 5 years) on a coed team and I miss it terribly. These pictures make me want to play soooooo bad again! I totally understand about you missing it!

Anonymous said...

I really like the colors in #1 and #2. And #2 is a great action shot. Love the concentration and seriousness in #1. TFS

Krissynae said...

Great action photos. Great angles.