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Monday, May 14, 2007

POTD - Emotional Attachment

My grandmother bought this clock for me when I was about 8 or 9 years old for my birthday. So it's safe to say this clock is probably 29 to 30 years old. I have never parted with it after all these years. Why?. . .I have no idea! When I moved out at 20, the clock went with me. I've moved 3 times after that and it still goes with me LOL! I just can't part with it. My DD doesn't really care for it but she deals with it in her room.


Michelle said...

love that you've kept that clock! my dds have a few things in their rooms from my childhood that they don't like either. love the color and brightness of your pics.

Heather said...

As a MM family, let me just say I love it! My kids would totally have him everywhere if I let them, anyway, this is a cool clock!

Sue said...

That is really cool :) What a wonderful keepsake!

Dar Kaso said...

What a fun clock, great shots of it.