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Saturday, May 12, 2007

POTD - Weather

We had a severe thunderstorm. Then around 7:00 p.m. it all stopped and I could see a weird orange glow. So I grabbed my camera and this is what the sky looked like. Then over to the left a ways the black was gone and the sky was pinkish, it was pretty eery! I took quite a few photos but I liked the ones with the trees in it for some reason, what do you think?


cristina said...

Wow, I just realized that this week was 'weather' week...Hmmmmmm, I'm 'that' behind kwim?

I love both of your shots...so much color...plus it looks pretty menacing...TFS!

Sara said...

I like the framing of the trees as well. I like sky shots, and sometimes nothing but sky is cool too, but- I almost always prefer something framing instead.
Those are some wild colors. Good for you for capturing it!

Trisha said...

Wow! Sort of Storybook like...Every time I see awesome skies like this...I either don't have a camera handy, or it's gone by the time I get my camera ready LoL-

Amy said...

That sounds eerie! Great shots and I definitely like the trees in them.