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Tuesday, May 22, 2007

POTD - Pets

This is Pepper, my DD's beta fish. We thought he looked like a long red pepper. DD is 8 and really wanted a pet of her own. She went on for a good month: Can I have a dog? No I'm not ready for another dog just yet. Can I have a chicken, what? No, you definitely are not getting a chicken LOL!; Can I have a hamster? No, I'm not taking care of a "mouse". "Mom, it's a hamster and it would be my pet, my responsibility". I said, yah, I know how that works out in the long run, mom's stuck taking care of it. Well can I have a turtle? Uh no. How about a bunny? Nope. Would a fish be ok? Yes, you could get a fish. YEAH!! I figured a fish isn't too much work and she definitely would not be able to take it out of the tank and maul it to death either. So after about 20 minutes trying to decide which beta she wanted she finally chose this one.

First off I apologize for how bad these photos are. My DD's room is really dark later in the afternoon so I couldn't get enough light. I tried the flash for the first time since I got my camera (almost a year ago) but it washed the color out, so I deleted those. I have much better photos on my other blog when we first got him (he was a lot more active too).
I've been tagged by Bobbijo_g, here goes:
1. To keep me practicing & taking photos everyday!
2. Making new friends all over the country and in some cases around the world!
3. Gives me a reason to hog the computer from DH LOL!
4. POTD bloggers are GREAT inspiration!
5. Excellent way to get some cc on photos!
I think it's safe to say that everyone's been tagged haven't they? If not I totally apologize!


Michelle said...

definitely a great "pet". LOL love your post!

Heather said...

I really like the one of him swimming(swirling kind of) I had the same problem with lighting..LOL Sometimes I wish I was still living in the land of Clueless where I had no idea what it was to shoot w/out the flash:) Your pics looks good though:)

Mom2Drew said...

What a little hot pepper! I think fish are so peaceful and serene looking. Great first pet to have. I had a goldfish named angel, but my brother's fish glutten, ate angel. I was scarred for life;)

Trisha said...

It is a great pet! I used to have some Beta Fish and I even had an Albino African Clawed Frog named Norman! (you put them in water just like a fish...they are exactly like having a fish only it's more fun to watch the Frog LoL) and yes...a few years ago...I even had 2 Chickens and 2 Ducks! I kept them until they got too big and too smelly to keep in the house. They live happily (and as pets) on a farm now :O)

Tori said...

What a great pet! We used to have a beta fish (my son named him blue... I'll give you one guess what color he was), but we had to leave him behind when we moved. I don't think he would have enjoyed the 1800 mile journey across country. Yours really does look like a little red pepper... great name!