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Monday, June 11, 2007

POTD - Fire

This is our first cookout of the summer. DH must have been rusty with the grill because he had the whole thing on fire! By time I got over there with the camera, there were only a few flames left (down in the corner). Notice the spray bottle, can't waste the Coors Light on those flames!

The smoke is starting to clear out here.
A little better here, you can see some of the burgers that caused the fire.


HC said...

That is so funny! I love pictures of moments like that. You will look back at those pictures and laugh.

Mom2Drew said...

Ah yes...grilling! Love the smokey flavor of hot dogs and I actually like the burnt. Funny though.

Patti said...

looks so summery - it is so cold here

Amy said...

LOL, about not wasting the beer on the fire!!!! Looks yummy, maybe a little charred, but yummy!

Michelle said...

lol! gotta love that smoky flavor...great pics

amazing grace said...

WHOA....now that's Smokin'!!!! :)


Heather said...

haha that's funny, I would have loved to see the look on his face as your snapping his uhoh! Too funny:)

Bobbi said...

I am really hungry now, yum grilled food. Great capture.

Tori said...

LOL! I only laugh because I did the same thing recently... used WAY too fatty ground beef and all the burgers caught on fire (on a gas grill no less). Not my finest moment! ;) These are great pics!

robin said...

Love burgers and dogs on the grill. It's close to lunchtime and you are making me hungry! I like how you captured the smoke. :)

Tera Fraley said...

LOL, oops better luck next time!! Those are great shots!