I got this gauze dress on clearance at Old Navy for $12! It was totally mucked up from the slimy rocks. I washed it as soon as I got home and it's like brand new again. I ran a summer action on this one, sorry I can't remember whose action it is I want to say, Sara?
This is the first one I worked on with DSD sitting and I pretty much goofed these all up. I was getting a lot of blowouts so I kept upping the shutter speed to prevent it and now they are really underexposed. I'm just looking for a happy medium here LOL!
Please feel free to give any CC you can or are willing to give! I want to learn and get better at this!
For those that asked I'm taking Wendy Schultz's class. I signed up in like February I believe for the July class. We got a late start due to some very unfortunate circumstances with Wendy but I'm very very happy with the first assignment, etc. I'm only really into an actual week of her class and am so totally impressed!!!! If you get a chance, TAKE HER CLASS! You will not be disappointed!
Um, I'm intimadated, beacuse I know you are learning a ton with Wendy, and will get really good help from there. I'm not sure how I would have handled this, either.
But, I'm thinking you had to go back and re-meter, off of them again instead of just adjusting as you go.
I'm seeing some funky color cast, but I think it is the combination of the pping with the golden hour of light? You may want to try some filters to adjust for this a little.
I like your setting, and the couple looks like they got fairly relaxed. The neck nibbling shot is my favorite, it looks the most natural of this series.
I think you did well all in all, and should be impressed with yourself!
And love that dress!
Thanks so much Sara, don't be intimidate really, I'm so out of my league when it comes to this stuff. I used Indie's Actions on some and they tend to yellow stuff up. Not sure how else to color pop. I have no clue how to use filters? Care to fill me in?
Those are so fun. It makes me want to do an engagement with water. Hmmm...I know a couple people getting married but I don't think one of the couple would be up to getting wet in their clothes.
can't really cc these-i do see a funky color cast like sara said. other than that i like them. my favorite is the last one of her sitting in the stream. great job!
If you are using photo shop, there is a setting called photo filters under adjustments. You could pick a "cooling"- read blue- filter.
You could also very gently decrease the yellow and increase the blue in channel mixer.
I'm going to go resurrect the old thread from my BOS about popping color. It is really easy to do yourself, without having to use someone else's actions.
There's also, if you have the ability to do so, the posibilty of creating an additional layer, changing the blend mode to screen light, with an opacity between15-35%. This lightens up photos a lot (not that you need that here, but it can give the effect of brightening up colors with less wonkyness than color pop usually does.
These are neat shots but a little too bright. I think also for the dramatic posing, less brightness would help set the mood. The lighting in these gives a more "happy" mood but these poses are not so playful in the same way. I'd work on metering off them to cut down on the blowouts. Maybe even lower the exposure level in camera. What were your settings? If you shoot in RAW, the color cast is super easy to fix. I can't wait to see more from you as you take this class! Nice start!
these are so neat. and a great location!
Thanks again Sara for the help. JoAnn that is a very good point regarding the mood and the coloring. I'm going to work on these again.
like the first one....i am seeing some yellow/greenish color casts also...
did they have a color cast sooc? tfs!!!
I can't offer much help. I'm sorry but I think they are awesome!
Very cool shots!! I really like the poses and them in the water, great idea!!
No leah they didn't have a yellow color cast sooc. I believe it's the action. I love Indie's actions but they do tend to turn my grasses yellows and now the brown slimy water yellow LOL!
There is a great article at ILP about metering that has helped me a ton. If you have a deep blue sky you can meter off of that or I've even heard of green grass. Just finding something that would be close to 18% grey in tone. I'm no expert here but you might find the article interesting. It is bookmarked at the top of the JSO forum.
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