I got this gauze dress on clearance at Old Navy for $12! It was totally mucked up from the slimy rocks. I washed it as soon as I got home and it's like brand new again. I ran a summer action on this one, sorry I can't remember whose action it is I want to say, Sara?
This is the first one I worked on with DSD sitting and I pretty much goofed these all up. I was getting a lot of blowouts so I kept upping the shutter speed to prevent it and now they are really underexposed. I'm just looking for a happy medium here LOL!
Please feel free to give any CC you can or are willing to give! I want to learn and get better at this!
For those that asked I'm taking Wendy Schultz's class. I signed up in like February I believe for the July class. We got a late start due to some very unfortunate circumstances with Wendy but I'm very very happy with the first assignment, etc. I'm only really into an actual week of her class and am so totally impressed!!!! If you get a chance, TAKE HER CLASS! You will not be disappointed!