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Thursday, April 12, 2007

POTD - Sunrise, Sunset

This has been a rough week in NY for sun! After it had snowed most of the day, the sun tried to peak through this ugly dark cloud. This was the best it got LOL! Sorry!


Mom2Drew said...

Your title made me think of Fiddler on the Roof!

We're similar here, no sun today, just a foot of snow on the ground!

I like that hint of blue peeking out near the bottom, there is hope!

Sue said...

Your skies made it bluer than here (in VA/DC). Today its just cold, rainy and dreary. Perhaps the sun will pop out - but its going to be cold :( Have a wonderful weekend!

Jenny said...

Nice texture on this shot. Sometimes you have to take what you can get. Love the peeking out of the blue. Like Heather said...it gives you hope.

Me said...

I'd just be happy to see something blue. Nice job.

Trisha said...

I know what ya mean! We haven't had sun this week at all! But next week, it's supposed to make it's big reappearance here LoL...of course AFTER this weeks Sun theme is over!

Lorrie said...

very pretty colors. the cloud looks so soft against the blue hues of the sky.

Jan said...

How fun... You got a sliver of blue sky and the sun making an effort!! LOL!