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Monday, August 13, 2007

POTD - A Week in our Lives

Pop Warner cheerleading is definitely a part of our lives. . .for the next 3 months, 3 nights a week, 2 hours a night, plus games on Sunday and our fundraisers! This weekend was our first fundraiser. . .a car wash! It was the first time we've ever tried this and the kids had a great time.

Here is my baby trying to draw in the customers :)Uncle Scot made sure he showed up during our shift with his big ass white Durango with about 6,000 bugs embedded to the front-end of his truck LOL! He made it worth the kids while with his donation though so we forgive him.
I tried to keep face shots at a minimum because I don't have releases yet. I'm donating my time as the team photographer so they can make a calendar of their season and hopefully make more money for the teams. I got some really cute shots of the younger kids putting soap suds on each others heads with their sponges. . .cute!


Michelle said...

LOL about the durango. my dh says he wants to go mudding and then pull up to a student car wash! love the candids you got here...i think a calendar would be a great idea!

~JustJulie~ said...

Looks like they had fun. I should have pulled in my car for them. Too bad I don't live closer. :)

Heather Taylor Photography said...

Looks like a fun time!!Great shots!

robin said...

Looks like they all had fun and I hope they raised a lot of money! Great shots here!

flute4peace said...

Looks like fun, but HOT!

bprincephoto said...

Great shots. Looks like fun. You are going to be super busy! LOL

barb said...

What a fun time! Great shots!