
Thanks for stopping by! Here you will find sneak peeks from my sessions, which are a big part of what my blog is all about. You will also find any new products I have to offer, information, fun facts, clothing ideas and so on. Don't forget to leave comments too! You can also get ideas for your session from here as well.

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Tuesday, August 16, 2011

John {2012 Senior Sneak Peek}

My first guy of the season. I would dare say it wasn't too much torture, right John? I think I laughed throughout this whole session. Sometimes I had to take a minute otherwise I would have had a full session of blurry shots :) John's family was so helpful and it made the session go very smoothly. Mom made him spend the afternoon cleaning the wheeler and then we made him mud it up lol Here's a little sneak peek to hold you over until I get his full session up. Great working with you all :)

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