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Monday, November 12, 2007

MM Pop Warner Colts Tribute . . .

I was asked during pop warner sign-ups if I would be interested in being the organizations "photographer" this year. I was up for the challenge and really, really enjoyed doing this. It helps when you love sports too! There are 3 football teams and 3 cheerleading squads. Thank you to the organization, the parents, the coaches and most of all the players for giving me this great opportunity and have me do what I love.
Each year the high school has homecoming and invites pop warner to participate in the "Sea of Blue".

I was watching this little one during the National Anthem and I could not help myself but take her picture. She is a little sweetheart anyway. I kept watching her and I could tell she was in aw with the mascot. I just had to get a shot of it even during the National Anthem. I did keep one hand on my heart the whole time ;) So stinkin' cute!

The cheerleaders had a successful year at competition. MM Colts received the spirit trophy. Plus the Jr. Midgets squad advanced for the FIRST time and went on to compete in Rochester. Unfortunately they were only taking 2 squads out of the 6 and they came in 3rd.

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