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Sunday, September 9, 2007

Go Colts!

My girlfriend and I decided to try and do the girls cheer pictures this year. I have never really liked that football stadium scene in the background. I never used my marina white vinyl for a backdrop before and I definitely made mistakes with that. I ended up with a lot of blue tinted background. I had to dodge these to fix them. I have a high-key action that works well but I don't like what it does to the girls' faces and I have no idea how to mask so I couldn't use that.

I would love to know how to get a high key effect and get the skin tones correct too! Any tips on this is greatly appreciated. Please feel free to cc as well.


Lorrie said...

great job. Love the white background and the high key look. Really makes that blue POP!!

Tori said...

These came out nice! I really like the last one best. In the first one (and maybe second) she looks a bit like she's floating.... not sure how to fix that though.

flute4peace said...

Love the bright colors and the posing is great! I'm not sure if I care for the "invisible" background, though. Usually I like it, but I think in this case maybe it's the white on the sleeves of the uniforms that blends in with the white background too much? At any rate, that's just my 2 cents - the pictures are great!

cherie said...

that white looks good with the blue. I think the ones with the white sleeves on the gilors blends into the background alitle too much. like the poses alot . great job.

amazing grace said...

don't have much experience with high key--but i like the pose of the third. cute!


Melissa said...

I agree, the white sleeves with the white background is really bothering me. I can't change the uniform so would you reshoot without the white leotards or would you shoot with maybe a blue or yellow backdrop?

Krystle said...

These are great. The white on whate does bother me a little, but the poses are awesome!

Deb said...

Hmm. I agree with everything said above. When the white blended into the white it bothered me.

I loved the poses and I LOVE the contrast of the blue and white. Nice work!