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Monday, March 26, 2007

Amber Ludlow's 2nd Class - Lesson #1

This took some searching around. Our first lesson was to take a photo in the Town that I live in that would basically represent my Town. I live in a small podunk (sp?) Town. The only thing barely worth even talking about is the BMX track. Well that is still buried under snow so I couldn't take a photo of that but I did take a picture of the Champion sign along with the Town sign. I like the angle of that photo, but I'm having a hard time choosing which photo to send to Amber for my submission. DH and DD are voting for the bale of hay which I really like the golden browns in it. See in our Town and all the surrounding Towns it's all FARMS! So I thought the bale of hay and the maple taps in the trees are perfect! Now it's just a matter of choosing. Amber definitely makes you get out of your comfort zones. Decisions, decisions.
ISO200 ss1/1250 f2.8 85mm

ISO200 ss1/400 f4 85mm

ISO200 1/250 f 4 85mm

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