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Friday, September 17, 2010

Mckenzee {2011 Senior Sneak Peek}

Mckenzee's mom wanted to do the session at her home. She said they had a pond, a this and a that. I was hoping there was going to be enough there that we could get a variety. I was so excited when I got there and saw what they had. It's like a backyard studio! Great stuff! She also said she has a little red sports car she wanted her pictures taken with. So I'm thinking okay senior, it's probably like a little Cobalt with a spoiler or something...wrong! It's a convertible BMW Z4 and it's hot! I fell in love with it! Now I'm going to have to add a picture so everyone can see it LOL

I also want to thank Mckenzee's brother Joe for being so helpful!

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