
Thanks for stopping by! Here you will find sneak peeks from my sessions, which are a big part of what my blog is all about. You will also find any new products I have to offer, information, fun facts, clothing ideas and so on. Don't forget to leave comments too! You can also get ideas for your session from here as well.

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Friday, October 15, 2010

Adam W {2011 Senior Sneak Peek}

Anyone see a pattern here with my last few posts? The guys who finally surrender to the fact that they need to get their senior pictures done before its too late LOL Actually they're easier during the last minute crunch so I don't mind. Had a good session with Adam and his friend Derek helped me out too. I had a few laughs even though we froze our butts off. Man Fall mornings can be brutal! Anyway here's a few to hold you over and I'll have your full gallery up in a couple days.

I tried a little grunge on this one. Love how it turned out.

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