
Thanks for stopping by! Here you will find sneak peeks from my sessions, which are a big part of what my blog is all about. You will also find any new products I have to offer, information, fun facts, clothing ideas and so on. Don't forget to leave comments too! You can also get ideas for your session from here as well.

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Thursday, August 13, 2009

Off to Denver, Co {Meeting My Photography PEAps}

At 3:00 a.m. tomorrow I will be on my way to the airport . . . heading to Denver, Co for a photography get-together. Heading to Colorado Springs for some horseback riding in the Garden of the Gods; possibly some whitewater rafting; and up to Boulder for some hiking. Wanted to go to a Colorado Rockies game one night but they're out of town the whole time were there, bummer. I'm a huge Yankee fan but thought it would be cool to go to Coors Field.

I'll be back on Thursday and will return all calls & emails then. Have a great weekend everyone, weather is supposed to be superb! ;)

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