
Thanks for stopping by! Here you will find sneak peeks from my sessions, which are a big part of what my blog is all about. You will also find any new products I have to offer, information, fun facts, clothing ideas and so on. Don't forget to leave comments too! You can also get ideas for your session from here as well.

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Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Kay-Bay-Bay a/k/a Stalker's Sneak Peak! LOL!

Well I haven't really gotten through that many just yet. We did do a lot! I figured I would put some up here so I don't get anymore text messages and to hold you off for a few days ;o)

I'll send you the link when I get them all posted on smugmug. It'll definitely be a week especially since I still have dial-up :(

Ok, kay-bay-bay, here you go!

Love this one!

I ran urban acid on this one. When I took some of these, I had a few things in mind. I haven't had a chance to really try everthing yet during processing but I will.

Work it girl!
Love ya!

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